- EGSB Incoming-student Handbook
- Graduate School Catalog
- Authorization of the Final Oral/Written Examination
- Advisory Committee Form
- Admission to Candidacy for the Doctoral Degree
- Application for Graduate Degree
- Application for Directed Reading Course
- Thesis Rubric
- Reading List Rubric
- Written Composition Rubric
- Exit Interview
All graduating MFAs need to fill out a rubric for their thesis, reading list, and written comps (you are turning in a self-evaluation). Also an exit interview should be filled out and turned in during your defense.
Please keep in mind that there are 3 different signature pages that will be emailed to your director and must be completed during your defense. Although these are sent to your director, it’s your responsibility to follow up and make sure the signed sheets get returned to the grad school.
1. The ETD Rights and Permissions Page will be emailed to your thesis director, and gives you the opportunity to discuss electronic publication rights for your thesis. You will have the option to choose an “embargo” (your thesis can not be “published” on ProQuest for a period of time) or “traditional publishing” (which means as soon as ProQuest can get your thesis online, which is usually 3-4 months, it can be read by others.)
2. The Report of Final Exam. When you fill out your GS-7 form two weeks before your defense, the Report of Final Exam will automatically be emailed to your thesis director. You will need signatures from your committee members.
3. The Signature Form. This Signature Form for your thesis is used for electronic publishing and sent separately to ProQuest.