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MFA English Program
University of Mississippi

Current and former Univ. of MS MFA students/faculty/Grisham writers: come party with OLE MISS at AWP!

Last year’s AWP reading/reception at the Academy Creative in Seattle raised the bar.  So as not to be outdone, we’re hosting this year’s shindig (an afternoon reading and reception) at a jazz club in downtown Minneapolis called the Dakota:
Friday, April 10, 2015
3:00-5:00 p.m.
1010 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis
Doors open at 3:00; the reading starts at 3:30
There will be music, and writers, and lots of free drinks and appetizers, and Ole Miss banners hanging from the balconies…. All that jazz to celebrate the Creative Writing Program in general—and the MFA students, faculty, and alums with books coming out this year in particular.
So rouge your knees, roll your stockings down, and put this on your calendars, folks!