“Faces do a funny little dance when you say you’re a poet, unless you’re telling another poet,” says Bob Hicok. “It’s almost like saying, ‘I have eczema.’”
Bob Hicok is the author of six poetry collections including Words for Empty and Words for Full (2010), This Clumsy Living (2007), and Insomnia Diary (2004). A recipient of five Pushcart Prizes, a Guggenheim and two NEA Fellowships, Hicok’s poetry has been selected for inclusion in six volumes of Best American Poetry. He is also the recipient of the Jerome J. Shestack Poetry Prize from The American Poetry Review and the Anne Halley Prize from The Massachusetts Review. Hicok is an associate professor of English at Virginia Tech. Prior to teaching, Hicok worked for nearly two decades as an automotive die designer and eventually owned his own business.